Saturday, July 17, 2010

kinds or storiess

There are many kinds of stories you can work with. It is recommended you start with simple folktales, with simple elements.

While traditionally stories were learned by listening, the best source today is the children’s department of the Public Library - particularly in the section (J)398. There you will find all sorts of folk and fairy tales, tall tales, trickster stories, etc. Many stories are on the internet as well. As you browse, look for stories that "touch" you. Start with simple stories, then as your experience grows, be sure to explore and branch out.

With time you will probably find many kinds of tales that will interest you personally. All sorts to choose from including: folktales from many countries and cultures, accumulative stories, droll and humorous tales, traditional fairytales in numerous versions, wish (magic) tales, trickster tales, tall tales, myths, legends and hero tales from the sagas and national epics, animal fables, scary stories, urban legends, Bible and religious stories, literary stories, pourquoi (why?) stories. With time and experience you will want to try a variety of stories and perhaps even branch out into telling your own personal stories or giving Improvisational storytelling a try.

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